Monday, 25 March 2013

Good morning

I know its been a long time since i last was on!
i cant remember if i said i was pregnant but, My beautiful baby girl was born to early at 28 weeks!
she did try to come earlier than that, at 24 weeks my waters broke and i was bleeding
so i remained in hospital until, Princess Madison was born!
she was born 23/11/2012
weight 1.125
requiring a lot of help, her lungs were very immature, with the lack of waters she add a lung infection also CLD
she contracted septicemia while in hospital,
PIE Pulmonary emphysema
 she as been through a lot in her lil life already, shes one tough cookie

well now she is at home an as been since she was 13 weeks old
still on oxygen and the ngt tube as she cant take all her feed as she gets tired very quick due to her little lungs.
all in all thou she is doing great, even better since she as been home.
and nows the time i intruduce mt little princess into the world of crafting
you don't know how happy that makes me to say that lol
 do have sons only two of them dabble in crafting but im sure she will love it, wait until she discovers all my ribbons lol

 Madison rose day 1

Madison rose two days before she left hospital <3

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